Forty years ago, a group of notable African-American attorneys met in Philadelphia during the First Annual Black Music Association Conference. They identified a need to establish an ongoing learning and networking environment for African-American attorneys in the entertainment industry; one that would provide an opportunity to share and exchange information, refer business, learn of industry opportunities, sharpen their skills and support each other in the highly competitive field of entertainment.
As a result, the Black Entertainment Lawyers Association (BELA), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was formed in 1980. To incorporate growing opportunities in the sports arena, the name was changed to the Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Association (BESLA) in 1986.
Our Founders
BESLA was founded by like-minded professionals who saw the need for an organization where collective experiences and knowledge could be shared for professional development, networking, and the advancement of people of color. Prior to BESLA, artists, athletes, lawyers and professionals of color in the sports, entertainment and legal professions were anomalies-- exceptions to the rule. Black professionals like Muhammad Ali, Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald, Thurgood Marshall, and Hank Aaron, all fought uphill battles for fair and equitable treatment, and the rights of others, like themselves, who did not have the celebrity, platform or voice to call attention to their respective struggles. They were agents of change. They challenged the status quo, and forced society to reevaluate their pre-conceived notions of the skills, capabilities and ‘place’ of people of color.
As a result, the Black Entertainment Lawyers Association (BELA), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was formed in 1980. To incorporate growing opportunities in the sports arena, the name was changed to the Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Association (BESLA) in 1986.
The original founders of BESLA changed the trajectory for other attorneys and professionals of color to break into and be successful in law, sports, media and entertainment. The Founding Members of BESLA are as follows:
Phil Asbury
Michael Ashburne
Timothy Crawford
Larkin Arnold
Karl Gutherie
Albert R. Hopkins, Jr.
Kendall Minter
Don Mizell
Philip Ransom
Ronald A. Davis
Bill Hayes
Bob Brennan
Charles Ward
Chere D. Lott
Herbert Harris, Jr.
James M. DeLeon
Louise West
Robert Holmes
Joseph Porter
Thomasina Reed
Ray Tisdale
Ron Sweeney
Gregory Reed
Frederick D. Cooke, Jr.
David Franklin
Fletcher “Flash” Wiley
Louise West
Kendall Minter
Hall of Fame 1990 -2023
Fletcher “Flash” Wiley
Amy R. Goldson
Brenda Andrews
C. Lamont Smith
Darrell Miller
Denise Brown Henderson
Denis E. Kellman*
Dr. Alfred Goldson*
Dwain Kyles
Frederick W. Brown*
Gary A. Watson
Gregory J. Reed
H. LeBaron Taylor*
Jack Gibson*
Jeffrey Harleston
John Kellogg
Johnnie Cochran*
Joi Huckaby Rideout
Joseph E. Porter, III
Keven J. Davis*
Kendall Minter*
L. Benet McMillan
Larkin Arnold*
Larry Bailey
Leroy Bobbitt
Louise West
Maisha Gibson
Michael Ashburne
Monique Reid Berryhill*
Nancy Taylor
Percy E. Sutton*
Octavius Ted Reid, III
Oliver Sutton, II
Ray Harris
Ray Tisdale
Ricky Anderson
Robert Holmes
Ronald E. Sweeney
Timothy A. Crawford*
Sharon Heyward
Theresa Cropper
Tony Anderson
Virgil Roberts
William L. Strickland
Yvonne Taylor*
Beverly Davis
Tamela Cash-Curry
Ed Woods*
* deceased