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— Our Mission —
The Mission of BESLA is to advance the excellence of professionals in the entertainment, sports and related industries. BESLA (Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Association) is a nationally recognized leader in legal education and professional development within the United States for lawyers and professionals in the entertainment, sports, and related industries.
— Our Purpose —
Open pathways to economic and decision-making parity in the entertainment, sports and related industries for legal and creative talent representatives.
​Facilitate legal and business affairs employment and business opportunities for people of color.
​Provide educational platforms for the continued professional development of our members.
​Provide an effective network of high-impact professional and business relationships and information sharing to create opportunities between industry professionals.
​Provide scholarships and internship opportunities for deserving minority law students seeking to pursue careers in the entertainment and sports fields.
​Provide resources to employers seeking to identify a talent pool of qualified minority professionals and facilitate legal and business affairs employment and business opportunities for minority attorneys.

Become A Member Today
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